
IPA: ʌnæktʌbʌɫ


  • Impossible to act.

Examples of "unactable" in Sentences

  • It is scarcely ever seen on the stage -- is, indeed, practically unactable.
  • JD Salinger always insisted The Catcher in the Rye was "unactable" and refused to let
  • Not only is it absolutely unactable, but essentially undramatic in the conventional sense.
  • All wrote overpraised rubbish, totally unactable even if there had been good actors available.
  • And Holden Caulfield himself, in my undoubtedly super-biased opinion, is essentially unactable.
  • I had expected to listen to a natural, ordinary, unactable episode arranged more or less in steichomuthics.
  • I agree with Charles Lamb: you shouldn't even go and see somebody try and act the part, because it's unactable.
  • We might conclude that the impossible role is unactable in its entirety — certainly uncapturable — and that the play is ultimately unknowable.
  • M.ntmartre -- rooms high up on the fifth floor -- where, between two pictures, supposed to be by Angelica Kaufmann, M. Duval had written unactable plays for the last twenty years, and where he would continue to write unactable plays until God called him to a world, perhaps, of eternal cantatas, but where, by all accounts, _l'exposition de la pièce selon la formule de M. Scribe_ is still unknown.

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