
IPA: ʌnʌmˈɛndɪd


  • Without amendments.

Examples of "unamended" in Sentences

  • Andrew says: cboldt: I think that passing HR 3590 unamended is NOT what the House majority wills
  • The House is going to, simultaneously, pass HR 3590, unamended, plus the reconciliation sidecar.
  • While the House in fact IS speaking with forked tongue, I think that passing HR 3590 unamended is NOT what the House majority wills.
  • The House agreed to vote on both unamended HR 3590 and the reconciliation sidecar simultaneously, and approved both unconditionally.
  • The “deemed passed” fiction is an internal working of Congress, and will not result in the (unamended) Senate bill being in condition for presentment.
  • The president will have to sign the unamended Senate bill and then the senate can take up the alterations (or not), and then the president will have to sign the amended bill.
  • The House concern is that, if the Senate bill is passed, the Senate will abort the reconciliation process, making the House complicit in the unamended Senate bill becoming law.
  • It does not matter if the House holds an individual vote on both bills, or votes on both bills at the same time as part of a special rule, so long as they pass the unamended HR3590.

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