
IPA: junˈænʌmʌs


  • Based on unanimity, assent or agreement.
  • Sharing the same views or opinions, and being in harmony or accord.

Examples of "unanimous" in Sentences

  • So much of the business is done by what we call unanimous consent agreements.
  • But Stone withdrew the measure after it became clear he would not gain unanimous board support.
  • With the insurance companies favoring this massive giveaway, Republicans have stood up to them in unanimous opposition.
  • That change resulted in unanimous Senate repudiation of that veto which made Bagojovich push his self-agrandizement agenda.
  • In 2008, the three-judge appeals panel found the verdict form potentially misleading, given its repeated use of the word unanimous,'' even in the section on mitigating circumstances.
  • Wisdom's children are herein unanimous, one and all, they have all a complacency in the methods of grace which divine wisdom takes, and think never the worse of them for their being ridiculed by some.
  • This war, and much as it is, with Britain unanimous and determined as she is, was inevitable in the very nature of things, and did not depend upon an incident here and there, a detail trivial and avoidable.
  • Senator Thomas of Colorado, speaking of what he terms the impossibility of the nations of the world joining in unanimous regulations concerning Labour, etc., says, "Class legislation is deplorable in domestic jurisdictions; it will prove intolerable when it becomes international."
  • How did a bill that could make it more difficult -- or that even appears to make it more difficult -- for borrowers to fight foreclosure win unanimous approval from the world's greatest deliberative body without debate when a notarization scandal has already halted the biggest banks 'foreclosures in 23 states?
  • One of the board members who has over 55 years of service with the post who wished to remain unanimous spoke out, "Gyi had us all fooled, that lying son of a bitch told the wildest stories you had ever heard, the guy is nuts!", continuing on the member said, "He has done so much for local county vets such as raising money and veterans issues."

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