
IPA: ʌnʌprˈiʃieɪtɪd


  • Not deemed to have any value, valueless, worthless, not appreciated.
  • (of an investment) Not having risen in value

Examples of "unappreciated" in Sentences

  • It's great to hear the inner-workings of Madsen, whom in my opinion, is quite unique and woefully unappreciated.
  • But an unappreciated wild card in the cloud revolution is the price and availability of broadband, especially mobile broadband.
  • That solidarity was evident at Women's Football 101, when left tackle John Cullen was asked if he and his fellow offensive linemen felt "unappreciated" by the team.
  • She was never so happy as when she was miserable, -- as an Irishman would have had it, -- and hugged the conviction that she was "unappreciated" by her family, and a victim of fate.
  • The result was a series of plays that set a new mark for English production, that put stimulus behind the so-called "unappreciated" play, and gave the English-speaking drama something to talk about -- and to remember.
  • Following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, Washington Post publisher Katherine Graham sympathetically told her friend Allen Dulles, the CIA Director fired by President Kennedy after the disaster, that she knew he must be feeling terribly "unappreciated".
  • How do you get the word "unappreciated" out of somebody who's made over $250 million in NBA salary, tens of millions more in endorsements, who still has national ad campaigns on TV (I think I saw an Icy-Hot commercial the other day), who has his own signature sneaker, and who is one of the players reporters will gladly run to for an interview in a crowded locker room full of All-Stars?

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