
IPA: ˈʌnˈɑrgjʌmˈɛntʌtɪv


  • Not argumentative; uninclined to argue.

Examples of "unargumentative" in Sentences

  • How delightfully companionable she could be, he thought; so responsive, so discriminating and unargumentative.
  • These answers are offered in an unargumentative way, even where the questions are still in debate among scholars.
  • Without a doubt, these are some of the finest, most upstanding, dependable, unargumentative folks that grace our land.
  • She would learn to be docile and unargumentative, for those two qualities seemed to be high on her husband's list of duties.
  • But nothing came to her save the memory of the cold, wet, unargumentative cry of the redshanks that she had heard on the marshes.
  • 'It might be just because every country has one, that the one in Johannesburg is not news,' Conrad murmured, in a tone a little too carefully unargumentative.
  • Lady Bryan who was sensitive to her charge's willful ways and was curbing them with gentle firmness had, as a reward for dutiful and unargumentative behavior over the previous week, invited a select party to celebrate with the household.
  • She had dragged herself up the hill to escape from the bickerings at Yaverland's End, and had been resting there, looking down on the peace of the marshes and listening to the unargumentative cry of the redshanks, and wishing that she might dwell during this time among such quiet things; and suddenly there came a wind from the sea, and it was as if a little naked child had been blown into her soul.

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