
IPA: ʌnɑrtˈɪkjʌɫeɪtʌd


  • Not articulated

Examples of "unarticulated" in Sentences

  • I've learned the importance of trying to articulate the unarticulated.
  • In this novel, the men are all catapulted towards some distant, unarticulated ideal, while the women have to stay home with the mess of domesticity.
  • New lines of bust-style banks and unarticulated figural banks will begin in 2008, blending detailed action-packed sculpts with traditional bank designs.
  • Ed's emphasis on "thematic truths and behavioral insights" certainly is typical of the way many book reviews base judgment on unarticulated and unexplored standards.
  • Larry MacDonald is president of Edison Innovations, Inc. a company that generates intellectual property based on the collection and analysis of previously unarticulated market needs.
  • Geoffrey Robertson QC told the extradition hearing, at Belmarsh magistrate's court in south London, that any resistance had been "unarticulated" on the part of Miss A, who has accused the
  • Certain reviews are possibly based on "unarticulated standards" and "unexamined assumptions" for the purpose of "sustain [ing] the illusion that the boundaries of the 'literary' are well-known and that the principles of criticism are so well-settled they merely need to be applied consistently," but that implies a degree of artfulness and craft that is simply not present in the instant example.

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