
IPA: ʌnʌtˈækʌbʌɫ


  • which may not be attacked

Examples of "unattackable" in Sentences

  • "A woman without vanity would be unattackable," resumed the Man of
  • A superior who reproves such gossip holds an unattackable position.
  • It is as unattackable in consequence as in the past were our religious ideas.
  • We accept this definition as true and unattackable, although nothing could be more false.
  • The resisting power of numbers, the unattackable stolidity of a great multitude, was the haunting fear of his sinister loneliness.
  • I will make covered chariots, safe and unattackable, which, entering among the enemy with their artillery, there is no body of men so great but they would break them.
  • Lupin, ex-burglar, ex-convict, ex-anything you please -- I'm unattackable on that ground -- but as Don Luis Perenna, respectable man, residuary legatee, and the rest of it.
  • And were this to be so, and the being I loved best of all in the world came and asked me which he should choose -- which refuge I held to be most unattackable, sweetest, profoundest -- I would surely advise him to shelter his destiny in the refuge of the soul that grows nobler.
  • As the temple terrace thus became the principal defence of the city on the east side, there were no gates or openings in that direction, and being situated on a sort of rocky brow -- as evidenced from its appearance in the vaults that bounded it on this side -- if was at all later times considered unattackable from the eastward.

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