
IPA: ʌnʌtˈeɪnʌbɫi


  • In an unattainable way.

Examples of "unattainably" in Sentences

  • From our experience, that seems like an unattainably optimistic goal.
  • To me, when I think of celebrities (actors, musicians, etc), it's like they are up on his unattainably high pedestal, almost not like the rest of us.
  • Dressed in a short-skirted black suit, adorned only by a knockout of an emerald ring, matching ear bobs and a few inconspicuous tattoos, Jolie looks both unattainably gorgeous and improbably of-this-world.
  • When we are obsessed with feeling sorry for ourselves, we are caught in the dualistic appearance of ourselves as a seemingly concrete "me," inherently alone, and of these people as seemingly concrete, unattainably distant "you."
  • "Where do you go all these nights?" asked Aurelia, his unattainably highborn girlfriend, whom he often wooed by reciting Andreas Cappelanus on the art of courtly love: medieval literature having been among his best courses at Amherst.
  • If denial of Leibniz equivalence is a blunder so egregious that no competent mathematician would make it, then our standards for competence have become unattainably high, for they must exclude David Hilbert in 1915 at the height of his powers.
  • But so I mean, as a result we have a lot of ... working in personal relationships with a lot of musicians that used to be kind of unattainably famous to us as jazz students you know, but really it's like they're just people that want to play great music and don't want drama, you know what I mean?
  • While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape.

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