
IPA: ʌnbˈændɪd


  • Lacking a band or string; not fastened.
  • Not marked with a band or stripe.

Examples of "unbanded" in Sentences

  • Two are unbanded males, and one of these males escapes.
  • Nice asian tramp snail: One of four color morphs: unbanded brown...
  • She shuffles the now unbanded cards until she comes to the one she wants, chocolate chess pie.
  • "Your hose ... ungartered, your bonnet unbanded, your sleeve unbuttoned, your shoe untied, and everything about you demonstrating a careless desolation."
  • Then, your hose should be ungartered, your bonnet unbanded, your sleeve unbuttoned, your shoe untied, and everything about you demonstrating a careless desolation.
  • Everybody crowded forward, the Squire among them, as with a simple touch, known only to the initiated, the keyless casket was unbanded and opened to the sight of all.
  • She pointed to a 14-year study she did that showed that male Magellenic penguins with two bands survived the same as unbanded penguins, but that study did show that double-banded females had a lower survival rate.
  • The jambs contain five shafts on each side, which differ from that in the centre, in that they are of Purbeck marble, and banded, in pleasing contrast to the plain stone of their own bases and capitals, and of the (unbanded) central shaft.

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