
IPA: ʌnbɑr


  • (transitive) To unlock or unbolt a door that had been locked or bolted with a bar.
  • (transitive) To remove an impediment that obstructs the passage of (someone or something).
  • (transitive) To remove a prohibition.

Examples of "unbar" in Sentences

  • Kane with shaking fingers began to unbar the door.
  • “It does make a noise if you unbar the door,” said
  • It was only when he reached the gate and tried to unbar it that he realised he couldn't make it.
  • “Oates, unbar that door,” Umber said, pointing to the small, sturdy door that bypassed the barred gate.
  •   They had to scramble over our slaughtered door guards to do it, but they managed to unbar the sturdy door and rush out.
  • I don't know the record for harnessing a three-horse sled, but I'll swear we broke it; I wrenched home the last buckle while East scuttled across the snow to unbar the gate.
  • Rose-red hastened to unbar the door, and thought she saw a poor man standing in the darkness outside; but it was no such thing, only a bear, who poked his thick black head through the door.
  • Jeronimo gave the lamp to Vivaldi, while he began to unbar and unlock the door, and Vivaldi had prepared to reward the brother for his fidelity, before they perceived that the door refused to yield.

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