
IPA: ʌnbɪfˈɪtɪŋ


  • Not befitting; not appropriate or suitable.

Examples of "unbefitting" in Sentences

  • Such a style is unbefitting a reputable encyclopedia.
  • He lives in luxury unbefitting a man of his character.
  • That edit is completely unbefitting of an administrator.
  • The quality of this image is unbefitting of our encyclopedia.
  • There is surely something wrong and unbefitting in that type of conduct.
  • Your conduct is unbefitting an officer of this court, sir, not to say a gentleman.
  • No matter how you try to look at it, Galliano's behavior was unbefitting of a premium brand like Dior.
  • The tragedy in Arizona was despicable, but we cannot overreact or react in a manner unbefitting our free society.
  • Andrew Crossley was already fined by the UK ` s Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) for engaging in conduct unbefitting a solicitor (pdf) back in 2006.
  • Officially, he's the "special adviser for green jobs, enterprise, and innovation," a clunky title unbefitting of a man so who's especially talented at turning a phrase.
  • Your otherwise informative Informed Patient article on Jan. 18 is encumbered with a headline unbefitting the Journal: " Unexpected Limits of New, Free Preventive Care ."
  • And so her mother left the church and began to let her hair grow again, but stopped wearing necklaces and earrings because jewelry, according to her new pastor at Miracle Spring, was ungodly, unbefitting of a woman of virtue.
  • Business & Finance *** China's central bank issued a secret memo to further rein in lending, highlighting continuing tightening efforts as well as how its economic management remains shrouded in secrecy that some call unbefitting the world's second-largest economy.
  • Instead of staying indoors, healthily watching a black and white screen – Grandstand, Hancock, Terry and June – they were out canvassing, attending ward meetings, collecting ministers' autographs, drafting position papers and generally behaving in a way unbefitting to young persons.

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