
IPA: ʌnbˈaɪʌst


  • Impartial or without bias or prejudice.

Examples of "unbiased" in Sentences

  • How unbiased is the news you are getting from the traditional media?
  • I personally think that CNN'S claim to be unbiased is greatly exgaggerated.
  • The BBC have no interest in unbiased news reporting in Israel, they want Israel gone.
  • He did NOT say Earth obsevations should be neglected, but rather that science goals should remain unbiased in this matter.
  • It gets worse, no commercial fuel crop that is under consideration or that is already approved in the U.S. has had the benefit of long-term unbiased testing.
  • So long as statewide and Congressional district polling numbers remain unbiased (in the statistical sense), as they have been for at least the last decade, such probabilities are probably about right.
  • John King's Sunday programming, State of the Union, is a benchmark in unbiased newscasting of current events – I hope his replacement program of Lou Dobbs maintains the high standards he has established with State of the Union. walter keller
  • The Marine commander, offering what he called his unbiased opinion in the best interests of the service, explained in considerable detail why he thought the assignment of Negroes would jeopardize the fire-fighting ability of the ammunition depot.
  • Googling (update 22) google. com - Obama ACORN Community Reinvestment Act - this blog is number 2 google. com - obama community reinvestment act - this blog is number 5 google. com - compare and contrast obama and mccain unbiased - this blog is number 2

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