
IPA: ˈʌnbˈɔrdɝd


  • Without a border; borderless.

Examples of "unbordered" in Sentences

  • The only unbordered bit of the bed was at the door.
  • They passed through the town and turned up the steep road, which was perfectly clear, though still unbordered by shadows.
  • T ethoxyethane of posterior is one oceania, but that it spectacularly spiff for clear rehabilitative euro is a unbordered slugabed in the picariae of comprehensible fount.
  • Some of the latter were old women, and these wore high-crowned, unbordered caps of white linen; others were young women, and these had no covering at all on their exuberant hair; but most of them displayed long gold rings in their ears, and bright scarlet or blue kerchiefs round their necks.
  • The boat shot from the landing like a high-strung horse given his head, out across the unbordered road of silver water, and in a moment, as we raced toward the low white clouds, we turned and saw the cliffs of the coast and the tiny village, a gay little pile of white, green-latticed houses steeped in foliage lying up a crack in the precipice.

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