
IPA: ˈʌnbˈɔrn


  • (countable) A single unborn offspring at any stage of gestation.
  • (uncountable) Unborn offspring collectively.


  • Not yet born; yet to come; future.
  • Not yet delivered; still existing in the mother's womb.
  • Existing without birth or beginning.

Examples of "unborn" in Sentences

  • This false morality seems to stop once an unborn is born.
  • Killing the unborn is never in the interest of the God of creation.
  • We use the term unborn child because that is what it is ... a child.
  • First, it assumes that the unborn is not a moral subject, for if the unborn is
  • How someone views the "status" of the unborn is the driving factor as to what position they take regarding abortion.
  • Reps are not trying to dictate your healthcare, we do not want dems having govt dictate that the unborn is expendable via Obama reform healthcare bill.
  • Second, the current regime — the Roe v. Wade framework — tells us that the unborn is not a member of the human community and that it is wrong for citizens to try to protect the unborn.
  • Bob, Johnsonville, now made with discarded fetuses, wurst says: glamourdammerung saysIn this case, they think “alive” means “unborn” and nothing else. unborn is the opposite of undead.
  • Bishop Chaput's position that the killing of the unborn is a "non-negotiable" issue, which caused him to remind his audiences that Kerry supports abortion rights and Bush doesn't, unfortunately does not extend to capital punishment, which the Catholic Church also opposes.

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