IPA: ʌnsˈisɪŋɫi
- without ceasing (stopping); continuously
Examples of "unceasingly" in Sentences
- The lead-man called unceasingly from his position.
- For three hours we called unceasingly but no answering sound came back.
- Government officials use the word unceasingly to justify legislationand amass support for usurping American freedoms.
- To worship such a woman, to remain unceasingly faithful to her despite her absence and indifference, is the only way to make ourselves worthy of what she represents.
- At this sight all who had till then stood their ground took to flight, Poul at their heels, slashing with his sword unceasingly, till they disappeared among the mountains.
- The cries are almost always answered by the appearance of natives or settlers, when the bird, repeating its call unceasingly, slowly flies from place to place towards the spot where the bees have made their home.
- Republicans started using the phrase unceasingly in 2004 and Democrats have made no effort to eradicate it, which is a shame, because the phrase doesn't respect the complexity of politics, especially the legislative process.
- As he arose he beheld out at sea a crowd of devils bearing the king away in a little boat towards Vulcan's Cauldron, beating and tormenting him cruelly, who called unceasingly on St. Denis of France, on St. Martin and St. Maurice.
- As a matter of fact, this substratum has no reality; it is merely a symbol intended to recall unceasingly to our consciousness the artificial character of the process by which the attention places clean-cut states side by side, where actually there is a continuity which unfolds.
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