
IPA: ʌntʃˈæɫʌndʒʌbʌɫ


  • Not open to challenge; indisputable

Examples of "unchallengeable" in Sentences

  • Its the notion of unchallengeable "Truth," whatever its origins, that needs to be done away with (
  • Welcome to the era of Michael Ignatieff, unchallenged today -- and unchallengeable tomorrow. posted by Dr. Dawg at 6: 09 PM
  • The correlation between women's rights and economic development, political stability and social progress is statistically unchallengeable.
  • In short I want to say that I identify with MALI, and also with those who's feelings may have been hurt .. but I do not recognize any [unchallengeable] constants ..
  • Professor John Beddington said that although it is "unchallengeable" that carbon dioxide is warming the planet, climate researchers should be less hostile to those who seek to question their findings.
  • His claims of impeccable, unchallengeable claims and VA reps begging for his case files when he presents are one method he uses to get vets to work with HIM instead of Veterans Commission, DAV or other veterans organization service officers.
  • In both cases, a long-standing acceptance of unchallengeable domination, of the remorseless wielding of power and intimidation, of dangerous coziness, of acknowledged but resigned and shrugged-off corruption, are suddenly and shockingly overturned.
  • And it's notable that they did it not by relying on the rules of Chinese criminal procedure, which are full of loopholes and exceptions that the police, with assists from prosecutors and judges, skillfully manipulate to give them unchallengeable leverage over any suspect.

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