
IPA: ʌntʃˈeɪst


  • Not chaste; not continent

Examples of "unchaste" in Sentences

  • I can't imagine that that kind of unchaste sits well with HER, either.
  • It is on this account that this class of woman are called unchaste women by voluptuaries.
  • She bore the signs of what she’d done last night as sure as if she wore the word unchaste blazoned across her chest.
  • The angels feel a chill all over the body at the idea of unchaste or extra-conjugial love; and on the other hand, they feel a genial warmth throughout the body arising from chaste or conjugial love.
  • The effort by the defendant to present Ellen as an "unchaste" woman would not have disproved Catharine's suit, as the action was for compensation for loss of household services only; however, he may have been hoping to lower the valuation for Ellen as "damaged goods."
  • (Note the discrimination against the "unchaste" woman in the statutory law; whether this scruple was closely adhered to by the local courts in bastardy actions is uncertain, but as noted, there was no reference to the previous character of the mother in any of the southern Avalon cases herein.)
  • The souls of such separate themselves from the unlimited love for the sex, and devote themselves to one, with whom they look for an everlasting and eternal union and its increasing blessednesses, as the cherishers of the hope which continually recreates their mind; but it is quite otherwise with the unchaste, that is, with those who do not think religiously of marriages and their holiness.

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