
IPA: ʌnsˈɪvʌɫaɪzd


  • Not resembling a civilization.
  • Crude, barbarous, wild, uncultured.
  • Used to describe people who display a marked lack of manners as defined by a given culture.
  • Used to describe behaviours deemed savage or inappropriate.

Examples of "uncivilized" in Sentences

  • He is popularly called uncivilized; I do not know why.
  • Can a world that raises up such people be called uncivilized?
  • I guess this could be dangerous in uncivilized society, where people are more or less educated.
  • Quite a character reference, she thought—to be called uncivilized by someone as low and vicious as a Kazon-Ogla.
  • One general description of civilized verses uncivilized is in reference to how much respect the people have for life.
  • However, anyone who thinks this is an isolated incident or that it only happens in uncivilized, hick states has their head so far up their ass, they should be able to reconsume their dinner.
  • But I believe that calling people barbarians, fools, or uncivilized is the antithesis of reasoned discourse and rational debate, and it pretty much closes the door to any sort of meaningful conversation.
  • Civilization is a relative arbitrary term; and the ancestors whom we are pleased to term uncivilized, may have possessed as high a degree of mental culture as ourselves, though it unquestionably differed in kind.

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