
IPA: ʌnkoʊ


  • (Scotland) Strange, weird.
  • (slang, New Zealand, Australia) Uncoordinated.


  • (Scotland, northern UK) Very.

Examples of "unco" in Sentences

  • N.B. Toddy cheap an 'unco' gude if 'tis his ain mackin.
  • Makes us all either schizo or pathetic unco-operative ego junkies!
  • Ever since he's been dodging bricks, stones, and rotten tomatoes from the unco guid.
  • So annually I dig them out and try to reinsert them in the annoyingly unco-operative memory.
  • When we study language, we are unco vering in part what makes us human, getting a peek at the very nature of human nature.
  • There scores on scores of things, many of them unco, that is uncouth, the first meaning of which is unknown, to his eyes, stood huddled together in the dim light.
  • Scientists at Pirbright found their cows were unco-operative with attempts to poison them with cattle feed cakes containing infections or ground glass dropped from the air.
  • Since taking on responsibility for the legacy in the wake of criticism that it was unfocused and unco-ordinated, Ford and OPLC chief executive Andrew Altman have addressed complaints that local people would not benefit from the planned new housing, and sought to leave a sporting heritage in the park.
  • Remeber that this current school board has worked with the two above and know how unco-operative they are as they have not been forthright in giving the information they have asked for and answeres to questions and have put this current school board in a bad postion one to many times and trying to make it look like the current school boards fault.

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