IPA: ʌnkʌmpɫˈit
- Obsolete form of incomplete. [Not complete; not finished]
Examples of "uncomplete" in Sentences
- I will borrow your word uncomplete-ed-ness, thanks.
- A twelfth volume, A Memory of Light, remains uncomplete.
- Six is an uncomplete number representing falling short of something, missing the mark.
- During the car ride back, Pan spoke in uncomplete sentences and expected me to understand.
- Scott, I believe the correct pronounciation of your uncomplete entertainment system is the three-sixt-wee.
- My biggest problem with the movie and here is were I agree is it felt uncomplete, i wasn´t satisfied by the ending.
- Politicians and Ministers have made hundreds of promises and commitments, a few has been fulfilled too and many left uncomplete or under way so to say.
- Therefore artists are in tune with public opinion much better than politicians will ever be while the outcomes are not political programs but art works both incomplete and uncomplete since a part of an ongoing learning process on how to use materials to find new expressions about life.
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