IPA: ʌnkʌmpˈaʊndɪd
- Not compounded.
Examples of "uncompounded" in Sentences
- Stress is totally absent from uncompounded experience.
- But this presents a problem: what will we use to reach the uncompounded?
- We can't use uncompounded experience to get us there, because — by definition — it can't play a role in any causal process.
- How are we to conceive infinite extent in a being called simple? and if he be uncompounded, what notions can we form of a simple being?
- From his perspective, experience falls into two broad categories: compounded (sankhata) — put together from causal forces and processes — and uncompounded (asankhata).
- And there is nothing can be plainer to a man than the clear and distinct perception he has of those simple ideas; which, being each in itself uncompounded, contains in it nothing but one uniform appearance, or conception in the mind, and is not distinguishable into different ideas.
- Police statements, as much as police testimony, have an agenda, and despite their apparent formality and what perhaps may even have been their original intent (under "normal" conditions) to set out the facts of an incident, they are not simply evidence, and quite certainly not uncompounded proof.
- SOCRATES: But do you remember, my friend, that only a little while ago we admitted and approved the statement, that of the first elements out of which all other things are compounded there could be no definition, because each of them when taken by itself is uncompounded; nor can one rightly attribute to them the words
- Like the testimony of police officers before the Commission, they indicated an agenda, and despite their apparent formality and what perhaps may even have been their original intent (under "normal" conditions) to set out the facts of an incident, they were not simply evidence, and quite certainly they were not uncompounded proof.
- Nothing can be plainer than that the motions, changes, decays, and dissolutions which we hourly see befall natural bodies (and which is what we mean by the course of nature) cannot possibly affect an active, simple, uncompounded substance; such a being therefore is indissoluble by the force of nature; that is to say, "the soul of man is naturally immortal."
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