
IPA: ʌnkˈɑmprɪhˈɛndɪd


  • Not comprehended; not understood

Examples of "uncomprehended" in Sentences

  • The universe is still considerably uncomprehended by science.
  • And Clara herself seemed so utterly unknown and uncomprehended!
  • Exchange the terms for the terms the "uncomprehended" and the "incomprehensible," and we will walk side by side.
  • The wicked criminal feelings of which I have spoken, those uncomprehended impulses of rage rose up in me ... choked me.
  • I don't know if she would have boasted quite so happily if she had realized how much of it was sailing past totally uncomprehended.
  • He believed that independence was the first duty of a literary man, and that true dignity consists in diligent labor rather than in indolent railing at fate and the scoffings of "uncomprehended" genius.
  • The modern Chams find no difficulty worshipping the Hindu Trinity,the linga, the bull of Siva, a pythoness, Allah-- who is believed to have been an eleventh century Cham king-- plus Mohammed and a number of uncomprehended words taken from the Muslim invocations and regarded as the names of deities, each with its special function.
  • Add the complexities and foibles that come between ambition and despair and stir into the apprehended but uncomprehended All Thing known as god (or the gods) and untangling what is from what seems to be had to wait until someone came along crazy or brave enough to say "You know, this looks suspiciously like a made up explanation based on our own Self."
  • She repeatedly invokes the ocean's radical non-humanity, asking readers to imagine underwater 'tides so vast they are invisible and uncomprehended by the senses of man', or lights traveling over the water 'that flash and fade away, lights that come and go for reasons meaningless to man', though 'man, in his vanity, subconsciously attributes a human origin' to them.

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