IPA: ʌnkʌnsˈɝnd
- Indifferent and having no interest; aloof.
- Not anxious, apprehensive, or worried.
- Having no involvement.
Examples of "unconcerned" in Sentences
- We could call those the "unconcerned" moderates, and I don't mean to denigrate them.
- So unconcerned, that is, that he recently told Rep. Marty Meehan that he did not believe that firing all
- ANNE BIRD, AUTHOR, "BLOOD BROTHER": It was his tone of voice, kind of unconcerned about the body of a woman.
- You know, so kind of unconcerned about the body of a woman, but then the body of a baby seemed very important to him.
- Expression unconcerned, Richard stood while the head gaoler picked up the empty box, shook it to hear if it rattled, rapped all four sides, top and bottom.
- ... the Establishment Clause permits this disregard of polytheists and believers in unconcerned deities, just as it permits the disregard of devout atheists.
- Needless to say, far from being "unconcerned", I inquired into the matter to satisfy myself that these allegations had been thoroughly examined by the competent authorities.
- Wife she's been layin 'by egg money all spring to buy a swingin', silver-plated ice-pitcher, so he'll feel at home with sech things, an 'capable of walkin' up to one an 'tiltin' it unconcerned, which is more'n
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