IPA: ʌnkʌntrˈaɪvd
- Not contrived.
Examples of "uncontrived" in Sentences
- Unmasked, I sit before you, more relaxed now, uncontrived.
- But these are not issues that people like Zachriel can address in a direct, uncontrived manner.
- I keep preaching this mantra because it is simply the most modern, uncontrived and attractive way for both women and men to dress.
- In contrast, if a Swedish man is uncontriving about his masculinity, it frees up Swedish women to be uncontrived about their femininity.
- Completely congruent with her humility and grounded charm which she attributes to her parents and being Dutch is her intuitive and completely uncontrived style.
- Rarely more than a few minutes in length and always built on basic, uncontrived movements, her century-old dances have an emotional clarity and an artistic fearlessness that remain relevant today.
- If it means that fiction can be just as messy as life, and that the capturing of minute detail is good, but great and grand when wedded seamlessly to engrossing, ‘realistic’ life-changing, life-explaining (to both character and reader) uncontrived plot then, I suppose I agree with him.
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