
IPA: ʌnkʌnvˈɪnsɪŋ


  • not convincing, plausible or believable

Examples of "unconvincing" in Sentences

  • Sorry – but this is unconvincing from a moral or strategic point of view.)
  • She drifted through the crowd, deep in unconvincing grief, prying for gossip and digging for scandal.
  • Yes, it would be narcissistic, it would be Kate-bashing, it would contain unconvincing pleas of victimhood.
  • "You are now claimimg that the data that tells us that the RNA World is at the core of life as we know it in unconvincing?"
  • He speaks in a slow, measured monotone and comes off dispassionate and unconvincing, which is in total contrast to his unparalleled soaring oratory skills when addressing mass audiences.
  • I’m all for attacking ideas that don’t work, or aren’t worked out well enough, or as just plain unconvincing; I’m quite skeptical of both Woods’ and Smith’s ideas at times; but when the person rather than the idea gets attacked, it’s often because the attack on the argument isn’t strong enough.

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