
IPA: ʌnkɝˈɛktɪd


  • Not corrected.

Examples of "uncorrected" in Sentences

  • Table 2 where the 'uncorrected' reconstruction shows calibrated variance R2 of 50.3%.
  • Now -- one "uncorrected" racist story that seems to be undergoing an unexpurgated revival is "Struwwelpeter".
  • On the face of it someone employed by the Commons has either deliberately purveyed an untruth or has wittingly allowed an untruth to remain uncorrected.
  • We will no longer permit any system to go uncorrected which is based upon private understandings and expert testimony; we will not allow the few to continue to determine what the policy of the country is to be.
  • He had still the notion uncorrected, that things in the country belonged to nobody in particular, and were mostly for the use of animals, with which, since he became a wanderer, he had almost come to class himself.
  • I am VERY interested in your intersex male friend as an 'uncorrected' or 'unadjusted' intersex individual is VERY rare; the standard now is to let the identity by 3-5 determine the surgeries that make the 'equipment'.
  • In fact, I suspect that varieties of sexism is the locus of most of the "uncorrected" classic children's lit -- since blatant (or perceived) racism has mostly been revised, per Sambo (or, another example of revised-thus-still-in-print, "Dr. Doolittle").
  • By allowing incorrect registrations to remain uncorrected, and refusing to permit the identities of registrants to be verified, the risk of illegitimate and fraudulent voting is greatly increased, and so too the risk that all legitimate voters will be disenfranchised.
  • However .. now, for some unknown reason, T-Mobile have "uncorrected" their Post subject: Re: T-Mobile HTC HD2 details now even more confused Post subject: Re: T-Mobile HTC HD2 details now even more confused Post subject: Re: T-Mobile HTC HD2 details now even more confused

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