
IPA: ˈʌnkˈuθɫi


  • In an uncouth manner.

Examples of "uncouthly" in Sentences

  • He experienced a momentary pang of shame that he should walk so uncouthly.
  • I thought she spoke in a curious fashion, uncouthly, with a pronounced accent.
  • I don†™ t recall well-mannered former Republican Presidents acting so uncouthly.
  • “I don†™ t recall well-mannered former Republican Presidents acting so uncouthly.”
  • The big-bodied, white-skinned northern dweller, rude and ferocious, bellows his anger uncouthly and drives a gross fist into the face of his foe.
  • What ensued from the point when I stepped out of my father's house I can only report secondhand, as there was, after a short while, as I posed, a most uncouthly uproar that occasioned me to walk straight back into the room.
  • But, nevertheless, blithering on uncouthly: regarding trespassing/squatting, empty structures are always posted (in my experience); it comes down to whether the owner, local police, and local courts all actually are prepared to enforce it.
  • He was no more sober than the crowd above which he now towered -- a wild crowd, uncouthly garmented, every foot moccasined or muc-lucked [3], with mittens dangling from necks and with furry ear-flaps raised so that they took on the seeming of the winged helmets of the Norsemen.
  • The sleepiest and shabbiest of soldiery go wandering about, with the double curse of laziness and poverty, uncouthly wrinkling their misfitting regimentals; the dirtiest of children play with their impromptu toys (pigs and mud) in the feeblest of gutters; and the gauntest of dogs trot in and out of the dullest of archways, in perpetual search of something to eat, which they never seem to find.

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