IPA: ʌnkriˈeɪtɪv
- Not creative.
Examples of "uncreative" in Sentences
- Goldsmith is a wordsmith known for his "uncreative" writing.
- Much more, and certainly not the short-term uncreative thinking Taxpayers are being presented with.
- And four days later - after trying to pick my brain apart ... (cuz 'I'm kind of uncreative that way ..
- Costly because of its wasteful infrastructure of bean-counting, bill-writing, debt-collecting, and uncreative accountancy.
- One wonders what kind of uncreative and controlled mind you must have to be eternally fixated on such a managerial question.
- It is perhaps the most creative aspect of finance and all these uncreative people worrying about their money makes me guffaw.
- Regarding subjectivity-whether in a creative or "uncreative" (?) field-whenever people are doing the judging, there's no escaping it.
- But they have about them an aura of unreality that leads one to ask, with added urgency in today's global climate of financial and political insecurity: Will the children in their charge, formed as they are by directing their own learning, be able to attend to anything that is "uncreative" and
- You might also give a thought to the forthcoming anthology Against Expression Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith, eds. that will feature a historical range of so-called "uncreative" writings, or look at some of the transdisciplinary writings published in the Western Front's FRONT magazine, and in the better indie zines and micro-magazines.
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