IPA: ˈʌŋkʃʌn
- An ointment or salve.
- A religious or ceremonial anointing.
- A balm or something that soothes.
- A quality in language, address or delivery which expresses sober and fervent emotion.
- A smug, exaggerated use of language; smarminess.
- Divine or sanctifying grace.
Examples of "unction" in Sentences
- This sacred chrism, or divine unction, is commended on these accounts: -- (1.)
- Christians, and so be in Him as Christ, anointed with that unction from the Holy One.
- The unction is mentioned by Theophanes, (p. 399,) the oath by Sigonius, (from the Ordo
- As man, however, he has his fellows, and as an anointed person; but his unction is beyond all theirs.
- Let us pray for unction, which is the marrowfat of humor, and for humility, which is the badge of manhood.
- The word unction was a term of reproach, and the rich, invaluable treasure for which it stood was an offence.
- Romish extreme unction is administered to those whose life is despaired of, to heal the soul, whereas James 'unction was to heal the body.
- Again, no express mention is made of anointing with chrism; but we note that the idea of unction is commonly associated with the giving of the Holy Ghost.
- To help him in his outline of evangelical perfection, Ignatius received a special assistance, which Polanco and Ribadeneira call the unction of the Holy Ghost.
- The apostle encourages the disciples (to whom he writes) in these dangerous times, in this hour of seducers; he encourages them in the assurance of their stability in this day of apostasy: But you have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things.