
IPA: ʌndɛdʌkeɪtɪd


  • Not dedicated.

Examples of "undedicated" in Sentences

  • A life undedicated to virtue and wisdom is philosophically empty and juvenile.
  • A friend of mine swears by WW, but, I can't make the meetings plus I'm undedicated at counting points.
  • Spaces must accommodate dedicated and undedicated electrical receptacles, voice/data cabling, cipher locks and automatic door closers.
  • In other words, the circuits are already wired for Spanish, and the remaining undedicated neurons have lost their ability to form basic new connections for, say, Greek.
  • The council also authorized Solicitor John D. Bucolo to investigate if the borough can begin repair work on an undedicated street just south of Penn Avenue and Church Street.
  • There's so little undedicated money left, City Council President Jane Brunner said, that anything the city cuts will now touch something voters are passionate about, like libraries, senior programs and the arts.
  • This portion of the initiative, which is financed through the undedicated portion of the President's $40 billion provider restoration initiative and should be included in any such initiative being considered by the Congress, will:
  • Should you consider what troops of surious and immplacable enemies lie in Ambuscado for you; how many Soul-tempting Syrens are warbling notes of ruine to delude you; what fears within you, what foes without you, what furies all about you; you would not let one minute pass undedicated to some good employment.

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