
IPA: ʌndɪnɔmʌnˈeɪʃʌnʌɫ


  • Nondenominational: not denominational, used e.g. of a church.

Examples of "undenominational" in Sentences

  • Under this proposal the teaching, though called undenominational, would not in fact be so.
  • There are three classes of schools -- common, graded and high -- all maintained by the government and all free and undenominational.
  • Johannesburg a Wesleyan and an Anglican Home were opened, both rendering excellent service; but as this was run on undenominational lines, it was left without a rival.
  • It is, I fear, true that the decay of the sectarian -- that is to say undenominational -- spirit in the Y.M.C.A. has resulted in a certain blurring of the "soul" side of the red triangle.
  • Sunday school lessons for the blind that were put in Braille, and this required skill because, since Braille is so expensive to produce, anything in the way of a religious lesson had to be not only undenominational but unsectarian [unknown] So, of course,
  • In his efforts to enable the people of the District of Columbia to share the benefits of this fund the commissioner offered to erect a building for a certain denominational institution located in Washington at that time, on the condition that it become undenominational.
  • While Hampton has always been "undenominational," both its faculty and board of trustees have contained in abundance not only members of the Episcopal Church, but men and women of the highest and noblest type, creating an atmosphere in which the common and vulgar simply could not exist.
  • It cannot, surely, be for the good of our country that the stored-up experience of educational effort of every type should be disregarded in favour of rigid rules and programmes; or that zeal and devotion in the work of education are to be regarded as valueless unless they be associated with so-called undenominational religion.
  • He may prefer that the State should confine itself to purely secular education, leaving all religious teaching to voluntary agencies; or he may approve of the kind of undenominational religious teaching of the English School Board; or he may be a strong partisan of one of the many forms of distinctly accentuated denominational education.
  • There was no particular force in the objections of these latter in that district, as the Church school, the only one for miles, would not be large or convenient enough to come under the State aid of the Bill, so almost from the first it was a matter of building one of the new Board schools, where the undenominational system abhorred by Boase would be all that would hold sway.

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