IPA: ˈʌndɝbrʌʃ
- The small trees and other plants that clutter the floor of a forest.
- (transitive) To clear (an area) of underbrush.
- (intransitive) To work among the underbrush.
Examples of "underbrush" in Sentences
- It knocked down so many trees that the underbrush is now so thick you can hardly get in the woods.
- Is religion just an extension of the valid suspicion that any rustling in the underbrush could be a beast coming to eat you?
- In a bee-line, through the underbrush, which is peculiarly dense, very thorny, and very aggressive in that locality, a full half hour was necessary.
- In order to preserve these forest-trees, the underbrush, which is liable to make a conflagration in a dry season, should be removed generally, and the view of the great features be left unimpeded.
- Careful studies of silt prove beyond doubt that its primal cause is the removal of the forest cover, such as underbrush, weeds, and grasses, along the streams, which allows the rainfall to run off rapidly.
- Lost in the underbrush is the reality that the architecture of FISA was shaped not only to protect the privacy of Americans but also to give the White House considerable latitude in pursuing time-urgent opportunities.
- Back early part of December, you've had House and Senate staff starting to meet Democratic staff, starting to thrash out what they call the underbrush -- sort of the easier parts of these Bills where most of the things were the same.