IPA: ˈʌndɝkɫæs
- The poorest class of people in a given society.
Examples of "underclass" in Sentences
- Importing a racial underclass is a most unwise thing to do.
- Well to be honest I, as a MOP, would just like to see the vermin underclass get their comeuppance.
- When they scream and shout ae each other and their children, the underclass is the nicest thing that springs to mind.
- I am afraid that the first hurdle to solving the problem of the criminal underclass is the current ‘Human’ rights act.
- In fact the i would suggest that the influence of the underclass is actually leading to the re-establishment of class boundaries.
- And where are you getting your info that “the underclass is the last to have an abortion” — as if it is a problem of williness to take responsibility.
- The difference between the political elite and the underclass is that the political elite has _unlimited_ rights. on February 16, 2009 at 9: 39 pm | Reply Steve Edwards
- Seaneen and others like you, I think it's a crying shame that you put yourselves so readily in the category which you term the underclass (your term and the Daily Mail's term, certinaly not mine).
- To even dare to suggest the importation and creation of a racial underclass is unwise is blasphemy of the highest order to our current social engineers (who of course always know what is best for us).