IPA: ˈʌndɝkɫˈæsmʌn
- (US) A freshman or sophomore in a high school or college or equivalent.
Examples of "underclassman" in Sentences
- One underclassman sprinted down the hall as though with an urgent question.
- UniversityChic.com writer Erin Cunningham is an underclassman at George Washington University.
- Back then, an underclassman could declare for the draft without having to lose his eligibility.
- A closer look at the top defensive backs in this year's draft (school, height and weight listed; * indicates underclassman).
- Indeed, Mr. Perry learned during his college years that leadership often involves charm and charisma more than displays of dazzling intellect, and that surviving a trial by fire—in his case, the hazing underclassman endured in the corps—strengthens one's character.