IPA: ˈʌndɝkɫˈoʊðd
- inadequately clothed
Examples of "underclothed" in Sentences
- Most were underclothed, wearing only thin robes or tattered shirts and underwear.
- She had stage-fright of all these great people so overdressed when she was not even underclothed.
- Women, underclothed and overpainted, leaned from the upper windows and made frequent sallies into the street to capture their prey.
- Igor starts to ignore the knocks at the door from attractive, underclothed stewardesses whose cars have broken down on foggy nights.
- At one moment they were in the shed, they said, fascinated like moths in the glare of the torch, and the next thing they knew they were in the midst of a horde of underclothed Tommies -- trapped.
- Meanwhile we have to make the best of the men and women who, metaphorically speaking, would far sooner sit dressed in the very latest fashion, underclothed in cheap flannelette, than buy dainty, real linen "undies," and make last year's
- The most heartrending feature of it all -- in these homes of the mothers who work at night -- is the expression in the faces of the children; children of chance, dressed in rags, undernourished, underclothed, all predisposed to the ravages of chronic and epidemic disease.
- This was coupled with a decline in the productivity of the land, starting in the 1920s, that has gradually reduced material conditions until a large proportion of women and their dependants in the bantustans are undernourished and underclothed, dependent for survival on the remittance from the male migrant.
- Unluckily there still prevails a very old-fashioned tendency to treat the front fence as in itself ornamental and to forget two things: First, that its nakedness is no part of its ornamental value; that it would be much handsomer lightly clothed -- underclothed -- like, probably, its very next neighbor; clothed with a hedge, either close or loose, and generously kept below the passer's line of sight.
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