IPA: ˈʌndɝkɫˈoʊz
- (plural only) clothes worn next to the skin and underneath outer clothing
Examples of "underclothes" in Sentences
- Her underclothes is that stained up with it that I'm ashamed to hang 'em out.
- I was running late so I rushed into my underclothes and outfit before I plopped down on the bed.
- Spring and a release from scratchy underclothes and chilblains and runny noses and afternoon dusk and drafty passages.
- Christiane Passevant: In the film we see that Fulla's body has undergone certain changes, such as underclothes incorporated into her very body.
- Only when people started to change their underclothes at short intervals was the body louse no longer able to complete its development of about three weeks duration on the host.
- When his sectioning was renewed, Henry would scratch his arms, bang his head against the wall, go barefoot, refuse to wear underclothes, and then, just as we were despairing, he would rally and become calmer and more rational.
- This leads Justice Stephen Breyer to query whether this is all that different from asking Redding to “change into a swimming suit or your gym clothes,” because, “why is this a major thing to say strip down to your underclothes, which children do when they change for gym?”
- When I got better and could talk as much as I pleased, she wanted to know how many of us there were, what we did, and how we did it: what we ate, and what kind of underclothes we wore in winter, and how many times a week we bathed all over; when we got up, and what we studied, and how long we sewed each day, and how long we played, and when we went to bed -- and all sorts of other things.