IPA: ˈʌndɝfreɪm
- The supporting structure of a piece of furniture, a vehicle, etc.
Examples of "underframe" in Sentences
- The seat can also be removed from the underframe for use as a pouffe.
- M, is of the internal pole type, and is supported on the underframe of the wagon.
- Kathy contacted the show about the "underframe of a boxcar in our basement," she recalls.
- The underframe is provided with spring axle boxes, and also with spring buffers and drawbars.
- For gages of 20 inches and upward the motors can be mounted on springs and attached to the running axles inside of the wagon underframe.
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- Then, returning to the bed, I clasped it by its underframe and, with a grunt of effort, dragged it towards the center of the room until the loosened board was fully exposed.
- Its place was then supplied by other and better vehicles, — though they were no other than old stage-coach bodies purchased by the company, and each mounted upon an underframe with flange-wheels.
- The seat is not permanently fixed to the underframe, but the inner ring in the seat fits over the outer ring of the underframe so that the chair can be tilted into the desired position by the user.
- However, an NTSB report on a 2004 red line crash that injured 20 said the failure of the underframe end structure on the 1000-series cars "may make them susceptible to 'telescoping' and potentially [result in] a catastrophic compromise of the occupant-survival space."