
IPA: ʌndɝgˈoʊ


  • (transitive) To experience; to pass through a phase.
  • (transitive) To suffer or endure; bear with.
  • (transitive, obsolete) To go or move under or beneath.

Examples of "undergo" in Sentences

  • Dombey may explain himself, and relieve the torture I undergo, which is extremely wearing.
  • He'll have to go some -- undergo, that is, some sort of extradition to come back to Georgia.
  • Did McCain undergo some sea change of torture opinion after voting YEA on the Military Commissions Act of 2006?
  • Latin undergo an uncounted variation of termination, suggesting so many different ideas in addition to the four primary ones.
  • Pecuniary success is out of the question; and even if they were to offer me a larger fee for next year, I should probably feel bound to decline it: the misery I have to undergo is too great.
  • But Turkish has a slew of Arabic loan words; and so far I have not able to figure out any systematic behind either the formal or semantic changes that Araic word undergo as they are taken over by Turkish or Ottoman if you prefer.
  • For a second -- I bending down, she stretching up -- our faces were neighbors, and I had time to see her expression undergo several lightning changes -- surprise, incredulity, and a few others not as easy to read -- before she retired, leaving Tibe to me.
  • From hour to hour I reproach myself for that excess of faith and trustfulness which has led to such distressing consequences; and almost from minute to minute, I hope that Mr Dombey may explain himself, and relieve the torture I undergo, which is extremely wearing.
  • Besides, a pony-carriage that is intended only to carry a light weight, and to run over smooth turf or a good road, need not be built so strongly as a travelling carriage, which is to convey luggage as well as passengers, and which will be exposed to all the rough treatment it is likely to meet with at inns, as well as the shaking it will probably undergo from the different kinds of roads to be driven over.

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