IPA: ˈʌndɝɫeɪmʌnt
- Something that is underlaid, such as planking in a room of a house; underlay.
Examples of "underlayment" in Sentences
- Source for Pond Liners and underlayment in Jalisco or Nayarit?
- Roofing underlayment or felt paper is almost always called for.
- The grout, adhesive, underlayment board and other materials may be way overpriced.
- Have the original shingles and roofing felt, called underlayment, torn off and go with a total replacement.
- A new ceramic floor tile that requires no adhesive, often no underlayment and absolutely no grout can be found online.
- For example, if you have not put down vinyl tile flooring before, try to install eight pieces on a scrap piece of approved underlayment.
- If you're building a new home or considering roof replacement, Hall suggests installing an ice and water shield, a roofing underlayment designed to keep water from leaking through.