
IPA: ˈʌndɝɫɪp


  • The lower lip.

Examples of "underlip" in Sentences

  • The line from her underlip to the base of her throat is nearly straight.
  • I remember the out-thrust of his protruding underlip as he glared down at the wild pigs.
  • Once again Bella's small teeth pressed into her underlip, as she gazed vacantly seaward and won control of herself and her memories.
  • His mouth was clinched up so that his underlip was the only one visible, and his big frame looked lumpy, as if all the muscles in it were knotted.
  • Harry took after his father for looks, although Lord Lisle had a more prominent nose and wore a forked beard that called attention to his heavy underlip.
  • Bella paused, and for a long minute her small fine teeth, still perfect, showed deep in her underlip as she sought and won control and sent her gaze vacantly out across the far blue horizon.
  • She continued tirelessly, painting with pessimistic strokes the growing black future her husband was meditating for her, while the boy, fearful of some vague, incomprehensible catastrophe, began to weep silently, with a pendulous, trembling underlip.

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