IPA: ˈʌndɝpæs
- A passage that crosses a road, railroad or similar obstacle in a tunnel underneath it.
Examples of "underpass" in Sentences
- The 66th street underpass is half closed due to 35W work.
- The underpass is a link between Kattoor and Brooke Bond Road.
- One of their biggest issues is the foot bridge at the I-275 river underpass aka Troll Bridge.
- In New York, where I live now, such places are everywhere — a train underpass, a rooftop, a quiet street.
- I would like to be known as a underpass dwelling technician, but I think people will still call me a troll.
- New Transport Minister Terry Mulder joined the chorus condemning the underpass, which is a gateway to Southbank for visitors to the city.
- The pedestrian walkway on top of the underpass is the latest installment in the long saga of the $31 million renovation of the underpass downtown.
- In order to visit his hospitalised wife Harry must cut through a public underpass, which is a gathering spot at all hours by local thugs and gang members …
- A windy, desolate expanse that cuts the city off from its waterfront, Mr. Smallenberg calls the underpass "one of the most inhospitable pieces of road in Canada."