
IPA: ʌndɝpˈeɪ


  • (transitive) To pay (someone) less than the value of their work; to pay (someone) insufficiently.
  • (transitive) To pay less than is due for (something).

Examples of "underpay" in Sentences

  • The company's unethical practices led them to underpay their employees, causing frustration and low morale in the workplace
  • Despite their hard work and dedication, the company continued to underpay their staff, leading to high turnover rates
  • It's unfair to underpay workers for their time and effort, especially when they are essential to the company's success
  • The restaurant chain was found guilty of underpaying their kitchen staff, resulting in a major lawsuit and reputation damage
  • Many employees felt taken advantage of when their employer chose to underpay them, despite the company's profitability

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synonyms for underpay

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