IPA: ʌndɝpɫˈeɪ
- The act of underplaying.
- (transitive) To play in a subordinate, or in an inferior manner; to underact a part.
- (transitive) To make something seem less important than it really is.
- (transitive, card games) To play a low card when holding a high one, in the hope of a future advantage.
Examples of "underplay" in Sentences
- There is also something antithetical to making Crispin Glover "underplay" his role.
- And Dana Andrews, an underestimated actor who wasn’t fully appreciated because his style was to underplay, which is so difficult.
- That is not to underplay the effort of other Mexicans that get involved in many ways, shapes or form of bettering the condition of others.
- However, you underplay the imaginative use of a significant, flexible asset at a time when the Royal Navy's reduced number of platforms is thinly spread in support of the UK's interests across the world.
- The question for all of us, especially parents of teenagers, to ask is this: Is the media's failure to acknowledge this tragic trinity due to its tendency to overlook or underplay the dangers of marijuana use?
- Hunt helps us to recognize a paradox that recent historians of book-collecting underplay, which is that the book-collectors 'obsessive acquisitiveness not only vexed their contemporaries but also beguiled them, as the undertone of affection in period commentaries hints.