IPA: ʌndɝrˈeɪtɪŋ
- an estimation that is too low; an estimate that is less than the true or actual value
Examples of "underrating" in Sentences
- But underrating a vibrant nation of sixty percent youth had been a capital sin.
- Please stop underrating your viewing audience by forcing this ignorant scatterbrain on us.
- I have no idea of underrating these achievements; I only challenge them before the bar of the Christian outlook on life.
- Nothing would make me happier than to say in six months that I was underrating him on July 4th, 2010, and to eat a big helping of crow.
- That can afflict investors with what Mr. Agrrawal calls "an optical bias"—for example, underrating the importance of dividends in stock returns.
- Now that times are hard, they are consistently underrating the security of nation states which refuse to bow to agency orthodoxy by cutting expenditure.
- Scouts are underrating the difficulty of making the adjustment from Japan to America, culturally, and also making too much of a few small cases, he said.
- But I do think some people are underrating some elements of the proposed reforms, most specifically with respect to the subsidized national group plans the OPM would be arranging to offer through the exchanges.