IPA: ˈʌndɝsɛɫ
- To sell goods for a lower price than a competitor.
- To sell something for less than its value.
- To put forward an idea, or to market a new product, with insufficient enthusiasm.
Examples of "undersell" in Sentences
- And never EVER let an "exhibitor" undersell a dealer.
- We shouldn't undersell the digital communications portion of this.
- He said make sure you don't undersell yourself, realize that you're valuable.
- To do so, however, is to miss connecting with a huge part of the Latino population, to undersell us and underserve us, to misrepresent us and misunderstand us.
- The truth is, there is open competition and prices are such that there are no monopolistic pricing schemes in place – if a wine shop in New York charges too much, another shop can easily undersell them.
- This enabled me to get a late-deal trip with Olympic Holidays who unlike certain tour operators I could mention not only will "undersell" but also give thumping great discounts to last-minute travellers.
- We also get the intelligence that Labour MEPs have pleaded, on behalf of Downing Street, with EU institutions to downplay elements of the constitution to help the Government domestically "undersell" the deal to avoid a referendum.
- The vacuum of documentation in this arena, even taking into consideration the release of several books surrounding Reporting Services in recent years, continues to represent a serious "undersell" of Reporting Services, from an Analysis Services reporting perspective.
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