IPA: ˈʌndɝʃrˈʌb
- A low-growing shrub.
Examples of "undershrub" in Sentences
- A barren fragment of undershrub, with opposite fleshy leaves with recurved margins.
- It is an evergreen climbing undershrub, having whitish green flowers, and grows readily from suckers.
- It is an undershrub, the stem of which is compressed and angular below, and armed with prickles at the angles.
- ; _L. spica_, Linn.), a half-hardy perennial undershrub, native of dry, calcareous uplands in southern Europe.
- = Hyssop = (_Hyssopus officinalis_, Linn.), a perennial evergreen undershrub of the Labiatæ, native of the Mediterranean region.
- Lemon thyme (_T. citriodorus_, Pers.), like its common relative, is a little undershrub, with procumbent stems and with a particularly pleasing fragrance.
- I took a botanical account of stock of our domains before the dew was off, and found that the ground-hemlock, or American yew, was the prevailing undershrub.
- The indigo plant, SWAINSONA GALEGIFOLIA, is a glabrous perennial, or undershrub, with erect flexuose branches, sometimes under one foot, sometimes ascending, or even climbing, to the height of several feet.
- The best variety of _L. vera_ -- and there are several, although unnamed -- improved by cultivation in England, presents the appearance of an evergreen undershrub of about two feet in height, with grayish green linear leaves, rolled under at the edges, when young; the branches are erect and give a bushy appearance to the plant; the flowers are borne on