IPA: ˈʌndɝstɑk
- (horticulture) The rootstock onto which the scion is grafted.
- (transitive) To stock with an insufficient amount.
Examples of "understock" in Sentences
- Illinois orchard is on a Wisconsin bitternut understock.
- The grafts had blended with the understock and the offspring was different from either parent.
- Broadview has often suffered winter injury at both locations, and in 1950-51 was killed to the understock at Urbana.
- You cut your scion wedge and then make your understock cut and you will seldom make a mistake after you get experience.
- Note by Editor: An Oregon nursery, which formerly propagated European filberts on the Turkish understock, now has abandoned its use.
- The suggested understock is black walnut (_J. nigra_) though established hardy Carpathian and other Persian walnuts may be satisfactory for top working.
- The use of eastern black walnut as understock has been practised by several orchardists and nurserymen, and a few will have trees for sale in the near future.
- It is possible that this factor may be overcome by using Turkish hazel (_C. colurna_ L.) as an understock and grafting or budding thereon the varieties that sprout when on their own roots.
- But it appears more likely that some northern pecan seed can be found which will produce a hardy understock to furnish a seedling of sufficient vigor and size for propagating purposes in five years or less.
- I am wondering from what Mr. Hardy has told us today if it may not be an understock problem, and if it is an understock problem -- if there are certain strains of understock which are compatible with certain scions, possibly we should ask for some investigations, some more research to be done in this direction.