IPA: ʌndɪzˈaɪrʌbˈɪɫɪti
- (uncountable) The property of being undesirable.
- (countable) Something undesirable.
Examples of "undesirability" in Sentences
- The long-term undesirability of this situation could not be overemphasized, Dr Cilliers said.
- A particularly powerful example of the undesirability of following the original meaning of the Constitution is that it would make Brown v.
- Jobs reflected at length on the undesirability of death from the individual point of view, and the usefulness of it from nature's point of view.
- Obama may wish to consider more meaningful engagement in this process, given the undesirability of the remaining options should the mission fail.
- The application of this core concept of "undesirability", as determined by an unelected body appointed by the executive, was calculated to have a chilling effect upon freedom of expression.
- The R-word, its diagnostic history, and the modern synonymy it has accrued with concepts of undesirability and disdain are inextricably intertwined with the causes and consequences of the bullying of people with intellectual disabilities.
- British intellectuals from whatever political perspective – Perry Anderson, Mark Mazower, Larry Siedentop – show their insight and cleverness by demonstrating the futility and undesirability of closer European union, as does almost every columnist and commentator.