
IPA: ʌndɪzˈaɪɝɪŋ


  • Not desiring something.

Examples of "undesiring" in Sentences

  • She would be a star fixed in his sky, object of his undesiring worship.
  • "Really," he said, "you and I in our old age might be hero and heroine of a little romance -- the undesiring objects of a hopeless affection!"
  • I trod air; no doubt, no fear, no hope even, disturbed me; I clasped with my soul the fulness of contentment, satisfied, undesiring, beatified.
  • The convalescent is receptive and undesiring, or but very faintly desiring: the new blood coming into the frame like first dawn of light has not stirred the old passions; it is infant nature, with a tinge of superadded knowledge that is not cloud across it and lends it only a tender wistfulness.
  • His undesiring sighting of her body achieved the same effect for her as his desirous vision of Robinson: Caroline is disarticulated from the body/property scheme so necessary to the realism of sentimental narratives (to which the prince was himself addicted, believing Maria Fitzherbert to be his soulmate from whose bosom he had been torn by parental pressure to marry against his nature).

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