IPA: ʌndɪpɫʌmˈætɪkɫi
- In an undiplomatic way.
Examples of "undiplomatically" in Sentences
- China's top-ranking U.N. diplomat Sha Zukang rather undiplomatically launched a drunken rant against U.N.
- At the Copenhagen climate talks the Chinese delegation was widely criticized for playing an unhelpful role, undiplomatically snubbing Obama at one point.
- But an off-the-cuff remark in Mexico in 2009 saw him lashing out undiplomatically at foreigners who, he said, have nothing better to do than criticize China.
- That other and bigger half of the famed US-UK "Special Relationship," the United States undiplomatically just treated Briton like a misbehaving banana republic.
- In three years as head of the U. N.'s climate-change program, Mr. de Boer won both fans and foes for doggedly — some say undiplomatically — trying to prod countries to pledge deep cuts in their greenhouse-gas emissions.
- China's top-ranking U.N. diplomat Sha Zukang rather undiplomatically launched a drunken rant against U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon during a dinner at a U.N. retreat last week which left officials cringing, according to reports.
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